Wednesday, December 30, 2009

RIP David Levine

So unfortunate that he's gone. I actually just discovered this great cartoonist a few days ago. My uncle gave me a book full of his caricatures of famous authors for Christmas. Here are a few of my favorites by David Levine:

From The New Yorker:

"Today came the sad news that the caricaturist and illustrator David Levine has died at the age of eighty-three. Levine began publishing illustrations in the early nineteen-sixties and his work has appeared in The New York Review of Books, Time, Esquire, and other assorted publications. He also contributed more than one hundred illustrations for The New Yorker between 1993 and 2006. Many of his portraits are satirical in nature—Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak as a sphinx, Tony Kushner sporting angel wings, Martha Stewart holding a crocodile and a bag of money. I spoke with our illustration editor Chris Curry earlier about Levine’s artistic contribution to the magazine. “What set his work apart for us was his use of color and his ability to introduce satirical elements to his portraits in unique ways,” she said. “This resulted in caricatures of unexpected humor and irony, even concerning some of the most serious subjects.”

Read more:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Whatever Works"

"I happen to hate New Year's celebrations. Everybody desperate to have fun. Trying to celebrate in some pathetic little way. Celebrate what? A step closer to the grave? That's why I can't say enough times, whatever love you can get and give, whatever happiness you can filch or provide, every temporary measure of grace, whatever works. And don't kid yourself. Because its by no means up to your own human ingenuity. A bigger part of your existence is luck, than you'd like to admit. Christ, you know the odds of your fathers one sperm from the billions, finding the single egg that made you. Don't think about it, you'll have a panic attack."
Larry David as "Boris" in Woody Allen's "Whatever Works"

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chorus of Story Tellers

The Album Leaf "Chorus of Storytellers"
Out February 2. Couldn't be more excited.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Halloween Costume

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chop Suey Documentary

Apparently, this Documentary recently won an Emmy. It's about Chop Suey, a community used book shop. I really admire the owner, Ward, who has put his life into forming the close-knit community that characterizes Richmond.
It comes in 3 parts:




Saturday, June 13, 2009

Best Friends Day

Best Friends Day 7 from Dan Nelson on Vimeo.

August 20-24

Monsters of Folk

From Pitchfork:

Travel with me to the recent past-- yesterday, to be exact. Way back then, we published a story titled "Conor Oberst/Jim James/M. Ward Album Finally Coming Out?" Well, that question has been answered. And the answer is yes (thank god).

The Monsters of Folk supergroup-- which also features producer/Bright Eyes member Mike Mogis-- release their self-titled debut on September 22 via Shangri-La in North America, Rough Trade in Europe, Spunk in Australia, and P-Vine in Japan. A press release says so and everything.

According to the release, "all four members play every instrument on the album" and the music ranges from "road-worn" to "intimate" to "sun-soaked." The sometime tourmates recorded the LP in Malibu, California and Omaha, Nebraska over a two-year period between other projects. Track titles include "Whole Lotta Losin'" (Zeppelin tribute?), "Temazcal" (named after an ancient sauna), and "Losin Yo Head" ("Yo"!). The rest of the song names are below:

Monsters of Folk:

01 Dear God (sincerely M.O.F.)
02 Say Please
03 Whole Lotta Losin'
04 Temazcal
05 The Right Place
06 Baby Boomer
07 Man Named Truth
08 Goodway
09 Ahead of the Curve
10 Slow Down Jo
11 Losin Yo Head
12 Magic Marker
13 Map of the World
14 The Sandman, the Brakeman and Me
15 His Master’s Voice

Really excited for this! I had heard rumors of a project between M. Ward and Conor Oberst in the past. Guess this is finally it. I can't believe their using that name (It's pretty terrible), but I'm sure it will be a solid release. If only Ryan Adams was part of it!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cap'n Jazz

Do yourself and download Cap'n Jazz's "Analphabetapolothology". The predecessor to Owen, American Football, Ghosts and Vodka, Maritime, Owls, etc. etc.
Perfect for the Summer Time!

Here's a link to Cap'n Jazz's "Analphabetapolothology"

This is Richmond

Slaughterama 6 from Dan Nelson on Vimeo.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Finally, they've posted a trailer for the adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's "THE ROAD". Check it out:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Whatever Works

Woody Allen's newest! It seems I've been waiting for this trailer forever. Woody Allen. Larry David. New York City. It comes out in June. Joe and I were talking about heading into the City for the premier. That would be unbelievable. Go see this!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Summer Reading

So I made my way over to Chop Suey yesterday to pick up a copy of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" for my book club, and I came out 5 books richer/50$ poorer. Here are my treasures/Plans for the summer:

The two on the left I had before the trip to Chop Suey - but they're on the list of things to read. That John Updike right there is a First Edition - 20$.

Downloads of the Day

Somehow I managed to lose my voice last night. That combined with the dreary weather has caused me to be a music pirate. Here's what I've got today:

Riceboy Sleeps S/T
Apparently an art project/ side project by the two guys from Sigur Ros. I first heard their track "Happiness" on the Dark is the Night Compilation (Which I recommend you people to download as well). So far, Riceboy Sleeps is pretty much an instrumental, more ambient Sigur Ros. Great sleeping music!

Lucero That Much Further West
I had heard of Lucero before but never actually heard them until today when I was sitting at a coffee shop with my friend Joe. Pretty good Americana. The guys at Crossroads played this while it was pretty much hurricanin' outside. And it was good.

Wilco Sky Blue Sky
Who doesn't like Wilco? I actually didn't get into them until a few weeks ago. I saw them at Lollapalooza a few years ago. The only CD I had of theirs was Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 'cause I heard it was their best. I like it but I wasn't a big fan of all the unnecessary electronic effects. I felt they took away from genuine song-writing of Tweedy. Anyways, I was talking with Joe about it today and he recommended this album and Being There (which I couldn't find) for a more organic Alt-Country style.

The Hold Steady Stay Positive
My friend Caleb (who always seems to be 10 steps ahead in finding music that I like) recommended these guys to me. The lyricist is amazing and the music is fun. Think Bruce Springsteen. Their album Boys and Girls in America was great so I decided to downloaded their newest. This is great riding in the car - sing along - summer time music. I'm looking forward to jamming to these guys on my road trip to Boston.

Band of Horses Cease to Begin
Band of Horses gets a lot of play time over at Crossroads and at Starbucks (my two places of work). They've really grown on me and have really great hooks. I don't know why but their sound is really classic rock to me. Stand out track is "No One's Gonna Love You"

Jeez. That took forever. Blogging is pretty tough. Follow me on Last.FM if you are interested in my superb taste in music.


Also, check out Hipster Nascar for all your biking interests!


Good stuff - Found this on WeArePostRockDotCom's page. You can also find a plethora of other bands that they've filmed.

Monday, May 4, 2009

"The 400 Blows" turns 50

From the
"It was the shot heard round the world: the freeze-frame of Jean-Pierre Léaud's Antoine Doinel standing alone at the ocean, staring back at the camera, at the climax of François Truffaut's The 400 Blows unofficially launched the French New Wave. And it was fifty years ago this week (May 4, 1959) that The 400 Blows made its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, forever changing cinema."

One of my favorite films ever - Criterion is selling it for $5 less. Thus, I am buying it. You should too.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Antoine Dufour

Antoine Dufour - An amazing acoustic artist. This is my current jam of the moment. The sound of this guy's guitar blows my mind.

Ryan Adams is a Rock Star

I, too, am a rock star. Thus, I shall grow to my hair to this style:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Woody Allen by Jean-Luc Godard

These have been up on youtube for a while, but I have not had the chance to watch them:

New Conor Oberst

Conor Oberst's new album titled "Outer South" is streaming here. The album drops on May 5 :

Also, the band will be releasing a documentary on April 15th. It's going to be available FOR FREE at this website:
Here's a trailer for the documentary titled "One of My Kind"

This is why I want a track bike

A Taste of The Toast from Michael on Vimeo.